Just a quick update before I turn in:
I have cut out the pieces to the venetian hose and have decided to line and interline them just for kicks. Why not do it by the book the first timer right?
That's where "by the book" goes out the window.
I have become a huge fan of
this website, and follow her on LiveJournal and such. Laura Mellin, along with
Kass McGann, have done some interesting work on period hand sewing. Being such a blasted visual person, I need to read something quite a few times before it makes sense. Laura's article on
"The Elizabethan Seam" just made sense. I had gotten Kass's period sewing guides for Christmas, but without the personal tutorial, not all of it made sense.
My downfall for period technique, I suppose is that I have modern sewing experience. It has gotten in the way of my understanding a few of Kass's pattern directions. (She's more than willing to help someone out of a pickle and explain further her directions btw).
This is why I like Margo's manual. I need step-by-step, treat me like a novice sewer- directions. After I make the thing up once, I got it, but I need to be hit over the head with it sometimes.
So... This is the decision I made in regards to Luke's Venetian hose.
I cut the mustard colored outer fabric. cotton interlining and red lining out. I ironed all of the seam allowances under and sandwiched them together so that I can sew all three layers together at once.
This allows me to show no seams without having to worry about sewing the lining in later.
I still don't know if I will leave a hole in the lining to slip the pocket in between or just tack it to the lining so it doesn't jangle about. The directions for the boy's pattern isn't as detailed as the boys and not all the points are marked like it says...
After all 4 sides of the legs are sewn (2 front & 2 back) I will whip stitch them all together and gather to the waistband and such.
It should be that simple... Now I just have to get it all done by the 9th of March.